Thursday, March 24, 2011


I've been sitting here
Suppressing my fear that you would find out
Of my majorly little problem
Which you are the center of

You turn over and over in my mind
Making my stomach churn
Why is this happening to me?
I guess it's my time to burn

My heart is veiled with a black mist
Trees creaking and bending with its weight
It is soaked with eons of tears
And I've hung out to dry

Those tears are for you
And how you've plagued my soul
You'll never leave my thoughts
Until I die of old

*wrote in 10th grade


Just a quick rant.  Why in the hell are a ton of people I graduated with having kids??? And getting married?? Jeezes people we are only in our early 20s if that why are you rushing shit that is just going to blow up in your face later on? Its like every time I get on facebook I find out that someone else I've been in school with since elementary school or middle school has a damn kid with someone that I have no idea who they are and they are significantly younger than a person you should have a kid with. I mean I just got a job where I believe I'll be able to stay for a long time and haven't even gone back to college yet and all these other people are married with kids and working full time jobs and RUINING THEIR DAMN LIVES! Also kids younger than me are doing the same thing. It might be making me feel old but damn I'm living the damn dream because I'm only dating and kid-free! Please will someone blow this shit wide open because it is getting beyond ridiculous and I can't take it anymore. These people are just kids themselves and now they can't go out and enjoy life as adults and party and drink and do early 20s things because they have to stay home and take care of the damn fruit of their loins.  And a lot of the girls that are in this situation don't even have a damn hubby or boyfriend or anything. They aren't even teens anymore yet they're living the teen mom life because they still aren't mature enough to get pregnant and have a freakin kid.  Well I'm going to enjoy this time in my life when I'm supposed to start learning to be responsible and getting out on my own and paying for a few bills and not wiping some baby's ass. Have fun 20 yr old parents!